Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Updates About Ezra Vesapogu

About two years ago I came into the acquaintance of Ezra Vesapogu, an Indian national who claimed to have a powerful ministry in India that saw the planting of hundreds of Reformed Baptist Churches. As things like this often do, it turned out to be a complete farce. Ezra lied about a number of things including his testimony, the nature of his ministry, the number of his ministry, etc. A number of good people invested time and money into Ezra for nothing.

Yesterday I received a phone-call from Ezra requesting that I take my posts about him down from my blog. Instead of doing that, I left them up with an update briefly detailing the sad events. I also provided contact information for North Shore Baptist Church in New York – they were the ones who had supported Ezra the most and sadly were the worst effected by him.

Ezra claims to have been “restored” and that he made amends with everyone he hurt. I can personally attest to the reality that he did not do this. None of the people in New York have heard from him. He is now running a “ministry” called Share Ministries. If you hear from Ezra and are considering doing any work with him – please don’t! Contact North Shore first and find out the details of what happened. He also claims to be “Rev. Dr. Ezra Vesapogu.” I’ll tell you one thing, he has no doctorate worth it’s salt, and he surely ain’t to be revered!

(Ezra is the bald man with the mustache in the picture above)

Here are the links to the two posts that I updated about Ezra:

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