Sunday, September 6, 2009

From Belmont to Bangalore - We Made It!

I keep asking…what day is it? What time is it? We are 9 ½ hours ahead of our friends back in Boston. We had a good, long journey. We don’t know what we would have done without the 2 men at JFK that helped us with our luggage. It’s quite a feat to take 7 suitcases, 2 strollers, 7 carry-ons, and 2 car seats along with 2 kids half way around the world. Thank you everyone for your prayers!

A quick story about our journey… we know children in India generally don’t wear car seats, but we brought Anna’s seat hoping she would sleep in it on the plane ride. As we were boarding the last leg of our trip (Chennai to Bangalore), they asked us to go through another security check with our carry-ons. When they put Anna’s car seat on the belt, it was just small enough that it barely went through the machine. But, as the seat was passing through, it got stuck inside the machine and they couldn’t get it out. The security guards spent the next 20 minutes trying to dislodge the seat, only to cause a huge backup in line, bringing the airport to a sudden stand-still. Most of the security guards thought it was funny, but at one point a security guard starting yelling at me out of frustration for bringing the car seat and asked, “Why did you do this to us?” They finally brought in a mechanic who took apart the machine and got the seat out. That seat took the x-ray machine out of commission for a solid hour and I bet there were a lot of angry passengers wondering why everything was taking so long. Our dream was to make a difference in India, we just didn’t think it would happen on the first day (at least in this way). Welcome to India =).

BTW, we also created a Google Voice account so you’ll be able to leave us voicemails while we’re out of the country. We love getting emails, but we’d love to hear your voice even more. So, please feel free to just call and say you’ve been thinking (or praying) for us. Our Google voice number is (847) 485-9704.

Look forward to hearing from you soon.


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