Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Secular Islam: How's it gonna be?


There’s going to be a new WordPress blog for this perhaps, open to comments.


But let’s get the basic down first:


1) Taking religion seriously: Qur’an says believers have nothing to do with those that take their religion lightly. But this does not tell Wahhabi types of organizations like Al-Huda International Welfare Foundation to brainwash people into believing that only Wahhabi view of Islam is correct, and others don’t have the brains to interpret the Qur’an for themselves.


2) Believers are attacked by Wahhabi types who have not read the Qur’anic verse, “There’s no compulsion in religion.” If believers don’t follow Wahhabism, they’re told by semi-Muslims that they’re pimps and whores and must be punished as the Taliban punish those that don’t apply their belief system.


3) Believers are attacked by non-Muslims/polytheists as well. For example, the Nazis of Germany are dysfunctional, emotional sort of people, attacking Muslims and Jews this way: a recent case: http://globallabouruniversity.wordpress.com


4) Believers have to use their reason. Hatred is an awful emotion. Talking about secularism, you can’t approach everybody that doesn’t believe in the things you do with your hearts filled with hate.


Secular Islam must have to do with:


1) Application of reason


2) Positive emotions, unless you have all genuine reasons to dislike someone’s behavior


3) Tolerance, because knowledge is good, and everything should be able to teach you something


4) No compulsion in religion: everybody’s free to be Muslim, Jew, Christian, or whatever he or she likes. You don’t have to force yourself to visit each other’s temples, but you can be a Muslim who enjoys Bollywood just as you can be a Hindu who loves Shahrukh Khan


5) The problem of non-believers in the West: learn to respect those that don’t approach you with hate-filled hearts. As we’ve read about this recent rape-attempts case at University of Kassel, Germany ( http://germanhuns.wordpress.com ) the Jews and Muslims hadn’t gone there to be abused. They weren’t even expecting it. But the people who had invited them were filled with hate to begin with: intolerant, dysfunctional neo-Nazis, inviting people over just to torture them or kill them if they could — just like the Taliban.


6) The problem with Al-Huda International Welfare Foundation and its likes: Don’t even imagine you can force people to adopt your brand of Islam — you aren’t Muslim if you think everybody that claims to love Allah and is different from you is non-Muslim. Al-Huda International Welfare Foundation is mainly for women, or only for women. They’re bitches if they envy and hate others for what Allah has given the latter.


7) Everybody should stop brainwashing people, neither East nor West should claim to be superior as far as ideas are concerned. Knowledge has to do with reason, so if you’re spreading knowledge you would be reasonable. Brainwashing gets emotional like the Nazis, ‘Everybody must think as we do, fuck like we do.’

[Via http://nonmuslimpakistan.wordpress.com]

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