Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Slumdog Dad Dies in Mumbai

Azhruddin after being hit by his now dead father Mohammad Ismail

Mohammad Ismail, the same dad who beat his slumpuppy child in front of Indian paparazzi (or whatever they’re called over there, camelrazzi?) has died of tuberculosis.

Mohammed Ismail’s premature death will inevitably fuel the controversy surrounding the fate of the slum children who appeared in the movie. He died today in the new flat bought for the family by the trust set up by director Danny Boyle.

Ismail had been ill for some time and had twice been admitted to a tuberculosis hospital in Mumbai after being turned away by another hospital in the city, which refused to admit him in case he infected other patients.

It’s a sad day when anyone dies.  Except for when that person is a child beater with no remorse.  He pimped his kid out for a movie and now that he isn’t living in a disease infested wasteland, he catches a deadly virus and dies.  That, my friends, is a reckoning.  This dude must have done something horrible to that kid because God just shit in his mouth.  He finally got to live a decent life and he contracts tuberculosis and dies.  Repent ye slumdogs.

[Via http://procrastibate.wordpress.com]

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