Saturday, January 9, 2010

Prayers for the Percecuted Church

Taken from The Voice of the Martyrs

“There is nothing more profitable, more priceless you can ask for us than that in spite of physical weariness, of frequent infirmities and the care of multiplying converts, we may be enabled to remain on our knees.” – Veteran Missionary 

“praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints” Ephesians 6:18

VOM-USA Prayer Update for January 8, 2010

INDIA – Service Disrupted in Karnataka – VOM Sources

On Dec. 27, police disrupted a worship service, in Karnataka, India, instructing Pastor Kumar to immediately stop worship services and warned him if he held future services, he would be arrested, according to The Voice of the Martyrs contacts. The police also accused the pastor of forcibly converting Hindus to Christianity and scolded him for praying without government permission. Pray Pastor Kumar will remain faithful in sharing the love of Christ. Ask God to encourage and protect members of this church and for believers in India to continue to be courageous in their faith.

Joshua 1:9

AZERBAIJAN/TAJIKISTAN – Update: Religious Communities Face Registration deadline – Forum 18 News

Many religious communities in Azerbaijan and Tajikistan have yet to re-register with government authorities, as required by restrictive religion laws passed in both countries in 2009, according to Forum 18 News. Religious communities failing to register in both countries, by Jan. 1, 2010, are considered illegal, Forum reported. In Azerbaijan, as of Dec. 16, only about 100 of the 534 religious communities previously registered had re-registered. Many religious communities are balking at amendments to the religious registration law which require more extensive information from the registrants to obtain permits to build. Other amendments include a ban on the sale of religious literature in unapproved locations and on religious activity outside registered addresses. In Tajikistan, fewer than half of the religious communities have re-registered. Officials say the highly restrictive Religion Law imposes state censorship on all religious literature, bans state officials from being among the founders of a religious community, requires state approval to invite foreigners for religious visits or to travel abroad for religious events, and restricts children’s religious activity and education, Forum 18 reports. Pray that authorities in Azerbaijan and Tajikistan will respect freedom of religion. Pray that Christians in former Soviet republics will echo Peter’s sentiment and be determined to obey God regardless of what man says.

Isaiah 54:14

ISRAEL – Jewish Christian Seeks Protection Following Repeated Attacks – Compass Direct News

Yossi Yomtov, a Jewish Christian, is seeking police protection following four attacks against him because of his faith in Jesus Christ, according to Compass Direct News. Yomtov, a resident of Jerusalem, told Compass, police have been slow to investigate hate crimes against him by youths wearing kippahs, cloth skullcaps, typically worn by observant Jews. “In two of the attacks a youth plied him with pepper spray and stun gun shocks,” Yomtov told Compass. “This young man cursed me for my belief in Christ,” he said. “He used ugly curses and spoke in highly abusive language.” Pray for protection for Yomtov as he courageously lives for Christ. Pray his testimony will draw others into fellowship with Christ. Praise God for Yomtov’s witness.

Psalm 21:1


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