Tuesday, January 5, 2010

OOPS !! Uninvited guest #3 at the White House

The Secret Service has now reported that a third, uninvited person was allowed into a White House state dinner for India’s prime minister in November.

Officials have been reviewing White House security procedures after it was discovered that an attention-seeking couple—Tareq and Michaele Salahi—made their way into the party without an invitation and shook hands with the president. Monday’s acknowledgment brings the tally to three people who made it through Secret Service security at the White House without being on a guest list.

The Secret Service says someone traveling with the Indian delegation was allowed in. The service says this person was screened at the hotel with the rest of the Indian delegation who attended the state dinner.

So apparently, the trick to sneaking into the White House is to hitch a ride there with a foreign delegation.  If you can manage that, you shouldn’t have to worry about any other unneccessary security measures. …..

[Via http://somethingtodiefor.wordpress.com]

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