Thursday, January 28, 2010

Any Winston Churchill Here?

Looking For Peace

Looking For Peace

A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject — said by Sir Winston Churchill. The reason I liked him is parce que his positive role during the World War II.

It was September 1939 that shook the whole Europe when Hitler attacked Poland. Hitler wanted to invade the whole of the Europe and other countries in Central Asia and further to South Asia. The Allied Forces — France, Great Britain and Poland — came in to being soon after Germany’s attack on Poland.

At that time, Soviet Union asked the Baltic Countries to allow stationing Soviet troops in their countries which Finland rejected and it was invaded by Soviet Union successfully. France and Great Britain was of the view that Soviet invasion on Poland is one reason inasmuch as it wanted to embark in World War II. No one knew that one of the deadliest fights between Soviet Union and Germany — the famous Operation Barbarossa — which is considered to be the biggest military offensive in terms of manpower, logistics and other resources — would take place later during World War II. Anyone of you who have read Operation Barbarossa in details would be known to its appalling events.

Sir Winston Churchill wanted to have peace in Europe. The statesman would do every possible thing he could to stop Hitler from pursuing his evil aims. But then Great Britain was embroiled in the world war II as it became imperative — in order to help protect Europe from getting in the evil hands of Hitler’s Nazis.

There’s a reason to reminisce the World War II that, in all seriousness, jolted the whole of the Europe once. An alien down to earth yet won’t believe once knowing what Europe was during 1939 to 1945 and what it’s now: the amity amongst the nations prevail there, yet between the belligerent countries of World War II.

The reason to jot down this example is to trot out this fine example under the limelight that peace is always possible despite past wars and feud, just in the circumstance that we’re really willing to win the peace.

At present, India and Pakistan stands at the same point where the Axis Forces and Allied Forces stood thus far 1945 — the end of world war II — and sought for peace after hellishly busy and bloody wars. India and Pakistan have fought three wars to this day. Have we not yet learned enough of the lessons after three wars that we start seeking for true peace in a bona fide way?

Both the countries, tout de suite, need to stop railroading other country and come to the negotiation table and resolve all the long standing issues.

What do you think India can invade Pakistan so easily, huh? No! So why such an attitude of infant?

What do you think we can resolve the Kashmir Issue under such circumstances? Resolving the violation of Indus-basin treaty issue under such circumstances?

What do you think we can resolve the issue of uncalled for heavy presence of India in Afghanistan overtly/covertly aimed to destabilize Pakistan?

What do you think we can resolve the issue of India’s unwarranted involvement in Baluchistan under such circumstances?

Are all the issues to be decided with the help of war?

Why do we always talk about banning Indian TV channels and Indian movies in Pakistan? If that’s the case, we should be banning American and Brit channels and movies as long as they’re killing our innocent people in drone attacks and abducting our Pakistanis and transporting them to Gitmo. Why just one flavor of patriotism, I ask again?

This isn’t because I’m a Pakistani so as I’m saying that, but it’s also quite apparent that India is unsubmissive to have peace between both countries and often we see unprovoked act of aggression from India’s side. For heaven’s sake, stop over. Both sides of the borders need to shun the hawkish attitude — and India needs to reconsider its behavior more than Pakistan. We, both the countries, are ineffectually squandering our each day and making a big lot of humans suffer on account of morbid hawkish attitude.

Repeating the history often remind us to take prudent decisions regarding present and future. By ill hap, there’s no ruling leader today on both sides of the border of India and Pakistan who’d raise the hunt of the prudent ideologies of the statesman Winston Churchill.

History will be kind to me for I intend to write it — Sir Winston Churchill


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