Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Do Good Monday: The Nanubhai Education Foundation

Last week, Farrah, amazing editor of elan, told me about this great non-profit that works to improve rural education in India so that students can receive the same quality education taught at urban schools.

The Nanubhai Education Foundation, founded in 2004, is dedicated to providing equal access to India’s rapidly growing economic opportunities to the students of India’s rural public high schools through education. Through the combination of its unique fellow’s program, which sends American trained educators to teach, lead trainings and conduct original research, and strong school partnerships with committed principals, Nanubhai works to accomplish these goals by improving students’ English, IT and soft skills, by training local teachers and by ensuring that female students are provided additional educational support.

Nanubhai Fellows work with the local principals to establish free before and after school Spoken English programs for students who can’t afford expensive private classes, teach full immersion English classes to 6th – 11th standards, reaching over 3000 children in 5000 hours of classroom instruction a year, and research and develop innovative new programs tailored to meet the schools needs and advance the position of its students in the Indian economy. Additionally, the Fellows work with local teachers to improve their English language skills and inspire them to try new teaching methods in their classrooms. Through offering scholarships and special programs designed for female students, Fellows work to retain girls in high school and encourage them to continue on to higher education.

They sound awesome right? Check out this video:

To get involved, you can adopt a program, name a scholarship, make a one-time donation or sign up for their volunteer openings. You can also apply to become a teaching fellow (teaching fellows serve from June to April) or to their summer teaching or grant-writing internships. In addition, NEF has several upcoming fundraisers and events in New Jersey, New York and Washington DC that you can check out here. And if you are still unsure, just look at the impact they’ve already had on students. You’ll definitely want to get involved then.

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