Saturday, December 5, 2009

An open letter of nepali , complaining about the indian terrorism

Stop India from Exporting Terrorism to Nepal!

By NOISEmaker avash (25, M, Nepal) NOISEmail avashStop India from Exporting Terrorism to Nepal!

India has been creating economical and political problems for Nepal for the last 58 years since it has become independent from the British. Nepal wanted to become a trade-free zone like Singapore, but India pressured it to abandon the idea. It wanted to turn to market economy 20 years ago but India forced it to have high- custom tariff. India is building dams in the border area to flood Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha, so no tourist will visit this submerged area.

Nepal has to endure Indian arm- twisting because it is landlocked, using Indian ports for sea cargo. It took ten years to convince India to allow Nepal to link India ports with railways and another three years for the train to start service. Even after 15 years, the railway link is not functioning properly. India has denied Nepal right of transits numerous times and dictates its terms on Nepal economy, and as a result it is now one of the poorest countries in the world. Now the Indian foreign minister is threatening Nepal.

India has been exporting terrorism to its neighboring countries to keeps these countries in line. Terrorism has been the nature of Indian politics. According to very credible numbers published by human rights groups and the Punjab judiciary, the government of India has murdered more than 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, in excess of 200,000 Christians in Nagaland since 1947, almost 75,000 Kashmiri Muslims since 1988, and tens of thousands of Assamese, Tamils, Manipuris, Dalits, and others. In 1994, the US State Department reported that the Indian government paid out over 41,000 cash bounties to police officers for killing members of the Sikh minority.

clpo13 “Who wants to bet that the government won’t really help with this situation? I mean, it’s Nepal. Who cares? (Note: I do, but the feelings of myself and a few others don’t necessarily reflect on our dear old governmental leaders.)”


An Indian Prime Minister was killed in office resulting from hobnobbing with terrorists. Former Prime Minister Rajib Ghandi supported one of the deadliest terrorists, LITTE, against Sri Lanka and as result was killed by them. In 1985 it armed and trained Ramraja P. Singh in India to conduct various terrorist activities in Nepal where several innocent civilian were killed.

After fourteen years of corruption and misrule by corrupt politicians, the King of Nepal has taken a popular step and assumed direct rule. The result has been positive. With the popular support of the general public, peace is returning to the country. Kathmandu has seen four months without bombing or innocent people being killed. This is the first time in a decade that three months have gone without any kind of forced strikes in Kathmandu and other towns. Gradually the situation is normalizing in the countryside.

Nepal has a chance of getting out of the grip of India. India is supporting terrorist Nepal Communist Party (Maoist) to fight against the Nepal Army. It is repeating the same story it did with Sri Lanka. Recently several terrorists who have red corner notice from the Interpol have been reported holding meetings with the Indian Intelligence Agency and Politicians. India is planning to arm and train terrorists to teach Nepal a lesson.

You can help Nepal in this hour of crisis. Please sign and forward below e-mail to President George W. Bush and a copy to Vice President Richard Cheney. Their e-mail addresses are:

President George W. Bush:

Vice President Richard Cheney:

Here is the letter:

Dear President Bush,

After fourteen years of corruption and misrule by corrupt politicians, the King of Nepal has taken a popular step and assumed direct rule. The result has been positive. With the popular support of the general public peace is returning to the country. Kathmandu has seen three months without bombing or innocent people being killed. This is the first time that three months have gone without any kind of forced strikes in Kathmandu and other towns. Gradually the situation is becoming normal in the countryside.

India has being exporting terrorism to its neighboring countries for decades. It trained and armed LITTE in Sri Lanka, MQM in Pakistan, and Ramraja Singh in Nepal. Now India is training and arming Nepal Communist Party (Maoist), a terrorist organization. Several Maoist terrorist leaders who have red corner notice from the Interpol have been reported being with high-ranking Indian Intelligence Agency officials and politicians. Huge amount of Indian currency and India- made automatic rifles have been recovered from this terrorist in Nepal.

Please declare India a rogue terrorist. Support the state of Nepal and put a sanction on this country.


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