Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mother (Earth)

The Mother Earth (Qusar- E-Batool)

The Ancient spiritual wisdom of human fealty believe that the earth is the Qusar-E-Batool ( mother ) of all living creatures . The inflammation of the blood cell was inflamed with the sensory stimulation of supreme beings to enrich human life with water to learn wisdom of God (Rab). The acids reactor of the human brain have the same system of reproducing energy from five major acids the way five white blood cells are reproduced to keep material body healthy is based on theology.

The Ancient spiritual rituals of washing hands, mouth, face, feet five times a day and harvesting was part of many different cultures in Multan (City of Cure) for health.

Abu prays to his God (Rab) five times a day and each time asked heavenly light . What is Health

Answer is a Gift.

The Ancient Spiritual Wisdom of seven days is no longer exist in today’s matters of civilizations symbols of “greed”. The main cause of the entire problem in this world is the true knowledge and important of rituals to enrich human brain.

The Sun God ritual celebration for Sunday. The God of Luna celebration on Monday. The Tiw God ritual celebration on Tuesday . The Divine day of Odin was Wednesday. The God of Thor ritual celebration was done on Thursday . The God of Frigga was the most important and ritual celebrations were done on Friday. The God of Suturan celebration on Saturday. The web feet pigeons was the special symbol of peace and riding on bull or oxen by holding horns was the sport to keep people busy and happy.

We Americans are considered to be the world leader in the knowledge through experience, investigation, studies and discoveries in all major fields except intercepting sensory stimulation from the gravity of supreme being who has wireless sensor to intercept sound of heart in the depth of the ocean water. It is true that the phenomena of life is stuck in the pressure of gravity which is losing pressure due to temperature change and the balance. The wireless sensor of supreme being is driving all life on this earth. We call it Soul (Ruh)Rab-ul-alameen.

Blessing on Humanity from Ajmal Mehdi (Imam) and Adam Mehdi (Jesus Christ) of humanfealty the father and the son with Holy Spirit!

The soul (Ruh) that originate new thoughts or Illusions in mind of a holy man calls spiritual knowledge which in not very common in our material society. True spiritual knowledge is not recollection of our memory or part of unconscious. Human Faith members believe that the Earth cannot exist without a matter of nature and environment which is created by God and the creator welcome back each soul and all Illusions those were originated in the mind to enrich humanity in order to advance life of human kind in the past and in future .

We also believe that faith is a function of knowledge and that Sense of Illusion comes threw soul in to the certain part of human brain therefore study of brain would be very beneficial for all beliefs and our doctrine shows that the Supreme Being love’s you no matter what language and name you use for Prayer. Human Faith is Abrahamic monotheistic faith and know that God is the creator and overseer of the universe at all the time and all Illusions.

We know that the human embryos were created by the creator to keep us wise and biodiversity with color of our skin, color of hair, color of eyes and with multiculturalism to keep us engaged in action of bitterness and gift of tongue for the sound of cry. It is time to be wise enough to understand purpose of human life and certain inheritance of human genes. Therefore, knowledge of certain medical condition is the key to establish system of life that is inflamed with the sensory stimulation of supreme beings to enrich human life . The pain full condition that affecting our family values and humanfealty is not understanding human spiritual and materialistic view of life in today’s fusion society.

Human faith has that ancient wisdom with modern way of managing spiritual and materialistic view of life. The festival of life can be celebrated with wisdom of human faith knowledge. It advocates spiritual and moral principles on very high scales for the longest term in human history.

Human faith teaches not only moral values it can give realistic purpose of achieving complete fulfillment of internal life. Our method of understanding both the universe and life is based on unlimited confidence in individual by teaching respect of human life and God (Rab-Ul-Aalameen).

Human fealty is Ajmal Mehdi and Adam Mehdi monotheistic faith and knows that God is the creator and overseer of the universe at all the time and all matters. Saint Human Faith and Adam Mehdi(Jesus) the father and son do not support culture of





Drug users ,

Money lover ,





Thieves ,

Gamblers ,

The waves of fresh air with small particles full of wisdom and oxygen of (Rabi) are in the air it is just matter of time when they touch the brain to change the heart. Human Faith is heavenly light of knowledge restriction on sacred light is eclipse on humanity and blasphemy. The Divine Affirmations of human faith are the commandment of God (Rab) of Humanity (Rabi). The crime against the Divine laws is blasphemy and great disrespect for our God (Rab) of humanity (Rabi).



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