Thursday, November 19, 2009

Obama Said Military Tribunal Was Fine For Khalid Shaikh Mohammed

Atty. Gen. Eric Holder is defending his decision to bring Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the alleged 9/11 terrorist masterminds onto U.S. soil for civilian trials instead of keeping them far away in Guantanamo Bay for a military tribunal. Senator Obama, in 2006 said that a military tribunal was a perfectly fine way of handling such dangerous individuals as Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. This must have changed when he became President!

Click On Links

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Profile

September 11, 2001 Timeline Of Events

Impeach Obama

The Afghanistan War

Military Deaths In Afghanistan

Obama Repeatedly Said He Would Reinforce US Troops

Obama’s Keeps Silent About The Afghanistan War

Obama Ignore Soldiers Dying In Afghanistan

The Afghanistan Problem

U.S. Afghanistan Raid Gone Bad

Taliban Attack


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