Saturday, March 20, 2010

Kashmir : A Serious Thought


Kashmir is one of the biggest problem that has been kept unsolved for so many years.

Fight For Freedom ? Kashmir is one of the most important and core issue after Isreal and Palastain. I m not bothered much about whats going on between Isreal and Palastain. I am worried about my country, Our Kashmir. I dont know what Kashmir’s are fighting for. Freedom ? What freedom do they want and from Whom ? Kashmiris think they are the only state that has suffered from Partition in 1947. I don’t know why it is of so much importance ? Is it just because they are Muslims ? (I am no personal grudge one anyone. It is the society that has brought this situation. I don’t understand why everyone has a feeling that Muslims are always treated bad in India. We are not Hindu State. We are One Big Country in which everyones heart has only one religion that is Indianism. ) It is not that Kashmir was only state which was cut into half brutally, people separated and border drawn.  There was another state called Punjab. During separation, there is no other state that has suffered the out pour of Hate than Punjab.(Even Bengal for that instance). Media, Politics and society talk about Kashmir ever time. I think Kashmiris should learn from Punjabis. We were not even asked if we wanted to be independent state and we were torn into 2 halfs. We lost or main land. We lost our capital Lahore. If you ask any Punjabi. You would know. Lahore was in heart of every Punjabi. And it was lost to petty politic. No body thought about that. Like Kashmir, Punjab had its problems too. Even  our people were brain washed by ISI and shown a dream of Independent State.  Even our people were taken out of homes and killed by Army. Not to forget our main Gurdwara was attacked by army and many innocent lives were gone.(Akal Takth is like Mecca to us). If you talk about Gujrat Roit or Mumbai Riots even we had 1984 riots were Sikhs not in one place but all over india were people taken out of homes and were killed, women raped. We dont keep blaming everyone for that. We don’t seek revenge for that all the time. That was work of some fullish people who took life of our people. But we forgave them. Now Punjab is best state in India. Infact in many ways Back bone of India. We were derailed from our paths for some time. But then peace prevailed. We are Indian and Proud to be called so. I dont think that is the same thing with Kashmir. You are not Indias No way. You keep chasing this dream of Azadi which even you know you are not going to get. If you gave your heart to India. This problem of Kashmir would not have lasted for a day. If you support India there would not be any more problem. Problem is that you are confussed. You know you are not going to survive as indenpent country no way. With Pakistan and China being your neighboring countries. I bet that soon after you get so called freedom of yours(Which Is IMPOSSIBLE). Kashmir would become another Afganistan. I bet. You think managing Country is piece of cake. No it is not. Kashmirs should understand that they are Part of India. And entire country loves Kashmir. Problem is you think we dont love Kashmir and Kashmiris. Its not that. There are some people who are exception. But there are good people too. See how prosperous Punjab is now. Does it looks like this is the State that was haunted by rise of terrorism in early 90s ? I think even Kashmiris should do the same thing they must say NO to terrorism. Come on Accept the Fact. You are not going to get freedom No way. Nor Pakistan is going to leave the Issue. Nor India Is going to let you go. So the Question of so called Azad Kashmir does not arise. If you want to Join Pakistan think again a country that Itself cannot stand for its people it will never stand for Kashmir. If there is some attack on US or some money from US or some F16 given to them they are going to sell you too like they did to Afganistan. Kashmir is a beutiful place. You like it or not. It will remain beautiful only if you stay with India. About the roits and unrest that is going on everyday will no longer be an issue. Its just useless. Amarnath issue could have been solved very soon. The solution is just accept that it is for good of the pilgrims who come to pray and for you. Understand more people come to Kashmir it will progress more. You would get more tourist. Due to some politics you left this big opportunity.  Lets say in future some company say TATA wants to build a factory in Kashmir that will help Kashmiris.  Will you allow that to happen? Again some politician will say a Hindu Company is trying to occupy our lands. Come on think Logically. See were Kashmir is right now. And see were all the other states are? Is it really progressing? No. You always blame Army for the unrest. But if you are peace loving they why would army do anything to you. If you dont support Terrorists Why would army even enter your Homes. There is Army presence in all the states where it is in border with Pakistan or China. There Army dont go killing people. They why is it that it happens only in Kashmir. Army is there is Rajistan and Punjab too. We dont hear them killing people their or raping girls. Do We ? And Do you think the POK is better maintained and people are kept properly there? No there are human right violation there too. But it does not come out. The media is shut there. But India is not like that. We give freedom of speech to everyone. And that is why we are able to listen to you. There are some previligies that only Kashmir enjoys in India. Things are cheap there for instance Petrol. There is a rule that No Indian can buy land in Kashmir. But Kashmiris can by land any where in India. We have accepted you the way you are. Its high time you accept us. Otherwise this will go on for ever and ever. Just give an end to this fight and start your life. Jai Hind. Jagdeep Singh Virdi


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