Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Biweekly Links - 03-08-2010

1. Choosing the number of clusters I: The Elbow Method

A post with some ideas on choosing number of clusters in a principled way.

2. 4 Chatboxes for wordpress.com blogs

An interesting way to embed chats in blogs. I have added a chat window in my blog to chat with me just for the fun of it. Lets see how it goes.

3. This seat is reserved  and More women, more power?

Two interesting posts on Women reservation bill in India. Its a shame that the bill is not passed.

4. Finding Your Roots

Another nice post on complex numbers by Steven Strogatz. It was a nice refresher to learn again how to take roots (square , cube et al) for imaginary numbers.

5. reddit.com Interviews Peter Norvig

An interesting interview with Peter Norvig. He answered some interesting questions . For eg I liked his answer that linear classifiers have progressed beyond everyone’s expectations. Another good question was why Lisp is not much used in Google. For the list of questions see reddit site.I found this interview through this site.

6. A collection of code competition sites

Good collection of code competition sites.

[Via http://saravananthirumuruganathan.wordpress.com]

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