Saturday, February 6, 2010

Qutb Minar Complex, Delhi

My last day in India, I visited Qutb Minar Complex — the first monuments of Muslim India. It was built under the reign of Qutb-ud-Din Aibak’s, to mark the victory over Delhi. The most famous structure in this complex is Qutb Minar, a red sandstone tower tapers upwards from the surrounding ruins, to a height of 72.5m. The tower was covered with intricate carvings and deeply inscribed Kufic style of calligraphy. Forgive me, I couldn’t comprehend, but I do impressed.


It’s every photographers’ nightmare when taking shots under strong light imbalance. My solution? Make it worse by increasing the contrast!

The complex was said to be a place which initially housed a complex of 27 ancient Jain temples. They were all destroyed and their materials were used in the construction of the Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque next to the Qutb Minar. Hence, don’t be surprise when you see Indian lotus along with Kufic-styled calligraphy and pillars with Hindu carvings on it.


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