Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pak sacrifices unprecedented, says Kayani

RAWALPINDI (Online) – Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani has said Indian “Cold Start Strategy” is an aggressive strategy adding, Pakistan cannot close its eyes to this.

Giving briefing to mediamen and anchor persons here Wednesday, he said it was a wrong allegation that Pakistan was playing a double game. Had it been correct, we would have not offered unprecedented sacrifices in terms of lives and property.

The casualties of NATO and allied forces in war on terror stand at 1,582 during eight years but on the other hand 2,273 officers and Jawans of Pakistan army were martyred and 6,512 sustained injuries during one year. 73 Pakistani intelligence officers were martyred while 11 intelligence officers of allied forces were killed in Afghanistan.

“Our martyrs include one three-star general, one two-star general and five brigadiers,” he said. Deployment of Pakistani troops on western borders outnumbered NATO forces, he added.

“We have conducted operations in Swat, Malakand and South Waziristan with a successful strategy and have recovered arms in huge quantity with people’s cooperation,” he added.

To a question he said US and its allies have started understanding our reservations and apprehensions and situation of the region. “We have made it clear on US that it will have to keep in view interests of Pakistan before taking any decision with reference to Afghanistan, he added.

Pakistan has a key role with regard to Afghanistan, he said adding, that he had also stated this in the NATO military committee meeting.

As per media reports, army chief citing Pak-India ties said the whole nation, army and government are fully aware of the history of relations between the two countries. All the military and war preparations of India seem to be Pakistan-specific and Pakistan could not close its eyes to it, he added.

Kayani said Pakistan wanted lasting peace and stability in South Asia but the peace could not be held hostage due to any terror incident or non-state actors.

Army chief answered different questions in the perspective of national, political and internal situation of the country.

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