Friday, August 28, 2009

Playing Shortball

Indian team coach Gary Kirsten had promised that the intensity in training would be high in the short preparatory camp ahead of the triseries in Sri Lanka.

True to his word, Day Two of the four-day camp was intense, with Friday morning devoted to fitness and fielding drills, which at times were neatly combined to keep away boredom, while the afternoon saw the batsmen and bowlers face off at the nets. The nets were certainly interesting, more so with extra attention being given to playing the short ball.

   After the fitness assessments were done with on Day One, Kirsten, asked specifically if the short ball would figure prominently during training had said: “That might be one of it, but there might be a whole lot others. Within what we do in this team, in terms of our game plans, our training, our structures, we try and cover every base that we need to cover to make sure we give ourselves best chance of success.”


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