Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fasting for Justice on Climate Change

Who knows what it feels like to go hungry for a meal, a day, or a few days? Probably most of us. But who knows what it feels like to go hungry for a week, two weeks, three weeks, four weeks?

Very few of us.

When I think of people going hungry for weeks on end, I think of the people on this planet who are living in drought ridden land which won’t yield the crops they have been waiting for. I think of those people who are thwarted by the changing monsoon patterns who can’t predict when to plant their seeds. I think of people who have been victims to a hurricane or flood and have loss access to food and water. I think of the victims of climate change: past, present and future.

But that’s not all.

When I think of people going hungry for weeks on end I also think of determination, dedication, vision and sacrifice. I think of the hunger strikes lead by Gandhi in India’s fight for independence from a British oppression. I think of civil society rising up and reclaiming their power and asking for what is just, what is right. I think of non-violence, of peace and of love.

And now, I think of the Climate Justice Fast.

Many of us across the planet, especially young people are at points of frustration, despair or disempowerment with the state of politics and action in response to the climate change threat. Even though entire countries predicted to go under water, hundreds of millions losing access to water, massive food shortages, extreme weather events, these issues are being treated as if we are approaching another trade agreement. The result many people feel like they can’t change anything, that they’re voices aren’t being heard, they don’t know where to start, or that they may as well live life now since they will be screwed later.

It is this desperation, frustration and desire to be heard that is instigating a group of people from across five different countries to fast for the future. Every day people who care about the future of their children, who care about the millions of lives that will be lost, who care about the future of humanity, will be conducting a hunger strike up to 40 days long.

They don’t want to waste their time in frustration or petty politics, but want to drive home that no matter what the implications of taking action on climate change, nothing is more costly than compromising justice and basic human life and rights. No amount of loss in GDP will bring back the lives of those who have died due to the impacts of climate change.

The idea of a hunger strike may seem scary, and that’s ok. It’s not the only way a person can take action. You can choose whether you want to be an innovator, or a policy maker, a community worker or a consultant, a mother or a teacher, you can be a young person taking action on campus, their religious community or school. You can organise a flash mob, or a climate concert, a meeting with your local politician or a protest. However for some of us it is time to take things up a notch.

So for those of you tired of trying to negotiate with decision makers that the survival of humanity is not negotiable, join the climate justice fast. You can fast for a day, a week, a month or the entire 40 days. Each fast will count.

Check out the website and join us as we fast to ensure that justice and the human rights are ensured.


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